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Selectmen's Minutes - September 25, 1990
September 25, 1990      Present:  William P. Dynan, Chairman
                                 Judith A. Murdoch
                                 Pamela A. Fasci
                                 Robert M. Crowley
                                 Mark A. Vess - absent

Work Session - Mr. Dynan commented on article in local paper that police cutbacks were busting the budget with overtime.  The Board negotiated with union and will continue to negotiate to resolve problem.  If swing shift were given up, no uniform officer would have been laid off.  Override resulted in loss of funds, and layoffs were necessary.  Board hopes to avoid more layoffs.  

Board voted 4-0 to set hearing date for Ferry's Sunoco for increased gasoline storage corner of Liberty and Winter St.on Mrs. Fasci's motion, 2nd Murdoch.  Hearing will be on October 16, 1990 at 8:15 P.M.

Hearing date set for October 2, 1990 at 7:30 P.M. for incident on Gorwin Drive - Crowley dog.  Dog Officer will be notified.  Dog had previously been ordered restrained by the Board.  Board voted 4-0.

Discussion held on trash in lower Town Hall parking lot.  Hanson Improvement Assoc. does not have means to empty receptacles, custodian does not have the time (hours were cut).  Highway Surveyor will be requested to have his men pick up the rubbish on their way to the transfer station, the other option would be to eliminate the barrels totally.

Mr. Nugent brought up the situation of the elimination of the Executive Assistant the clerical employee is working out of classification.  Contract stipulates the person be paid.  He suggested a sub-committee be formed to try to work this out.  Mrs. Fasci and Mrs. Murdoch will serve on this committee.  Mrs. Murdoch is concerned that the person involved, who is part time, will not be requested to do all of the work.  Town must see results of their actions.

Mr. Nugent reported that himself, Earl Wilson and Police Atty. have met in informal session re a number of issues.  It made some headway and had give and take re numbers.  Police Union not looking to stand the Board up, but there are a number of legal issues that Union is trying to avoid.  If terms can be reached, there will be one formal session to iron out details.  Will try to meet with parties again next week.

Discussed articles submitted for inclusion in the Oct. S.T.M. scheduled for October 22, 1990.  Noted Cherry Sheet shortfall is 236,000+, Town is counting on 100,000 in free cash to help offset this.  Town Accountant is still working on exact numbers.  

Articles were read.  Article submitted by the Hanson School Committee to restore funds that were cut from their budget at the August Sp. Town Meeting was not accepted by the Board on motion by Mrs. Murdoch, 2nd by Mrs. Fasci and voted 4-0.  During discussion it was decided that if funds did become available at a later date, a special town meeting would be held to put funds back into budgets.  This was not the Town Meeting to attempt to restore the funds, as at least 130,000 must be cut from budgets to be under the levy limit.  It is hoped that the parents will work toward an override in the Spring so that these problems will not be evident next year.  Another override cannot be held as the Town's recap sheet must be finished and certified so as to set the tax rate.  Mrs. Fasci noted that the Capital Improvement Committee must meet to act on the request of the Water Dept. for funding for a new pickup truck.

Mrs. Fasci moved to close the warrant for the October Sp. Town Meeting.  2nd Murdoch.  Board voted 4-0 to do so.  There are a total of 16 articles to be acted upon.

Mr. Ward, Chairman, and rest of Finance Committee met with Selectmen re recommendations of cutting budgets in upcoming Town Meeting.  Only other areas are ambulance, highway, and schools.  Noted 66,000 had been given to the schools, taken out of article.  Taking this out would bring school down to 7.1 cut which every other dept. took.  No figure on free cash yet.  Noted in mid-March will be out of money for utilities.  Reserve fund of 15,000 will not cover the Town.  Mr. Nugent noted 80,000 short in police, 100,000 in Fire, legal line will be depleted Oct, or Nov.,   Mr. Crowley is especially concerned with the deficit in utilities which must be corrected.  Mrs. Murdoch noted cannot continue to rob Peter to pay Paul.  Fin. Com. would like to see some vehicles taken off the road. Board will take recommendations from any party as to how to balance the budget.  

Mr. Dynan requested that warrant be reviewed prior to Town Meeting by Counsel.  

Mrs.  Fasci moved Board enter executive session under #3, contract negotiations.  Polled Board, unanimous.  Will not return to regular session.  No votes will be taken.

William P. Dynan
Chairman & Clerk